Thursday, September 29, 2011

Next Project

September is almost over (finally).  I hate September, it is filled with so many painful memories and just seems to drag on.  However, we are approaching another hard time, Trevor's birthday.

Trevor never had a one year birthday or even Christmas.  I have been robbed of both of these holidays.  However, when life gives you "lemons" make lemonade .... So starting the Christmas of 2009, my mom and I donated the toys in memory of Trevor to the Maryland State Police's Bears that Care Toy Drive.  It is because of the Maryland State Police Homicide Department that Justice was served.  I will never forget what they did for Trevor.

So this year, I have a bigger project in mind.  Instead of doing a balloon release and candle light vigil for Trevor's Birthday (November 29th), I want to do a toy drive and donate even more toys to the Maryland State Police this year. 

I am asking for your help.  Please consider donating an unwrapped toy on November 29th.  I will have a drop off location set up.  If you don't live in our area, please consider donating to a local group in your area.  Even though it breaks my heart to never have Christmas with my sweet Trevor, I can at least smile knowing that I can make other children's holiday special.

If you have any questions or want more information, please feel free to email me

Thank you for your continued love and support!

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